We have applied Critical Theory from the Postmodern, Marxist, Feminist, Psychoanalytic/Freudian, Archetypal/Jungian, and New Historicist schools to our favorite children's books. These presentations posted below show our strong analysis.
For Students
Instructions to upload your PowerPoint are below and also here, along with the grading rubric for the project.
Log into your Google/Gmail account (you will want one now and in the future if you don't already have one!) and go to Google Docs (http://www.docs.google.com/)Upload your PowerPoint into Google Docs by clicking "Upload" -> unclick the boxes that say "Convert document/text..." -> "Select Files to Upload" -> find the document -> "Start Upload". Then go "Back to Google Docs" and click on the new document you just uploaded. Share your document by clicking "Share" in the upper right corner -> "Change" -> "Anyone with the link" -> "Save"Copy the URL from the box in the middle of your screen (NOT from the browser at the top of your screen)Return to this Blogger blog (www.msjonesapenglish.blogspot.com) and create a Comment on the Critical Theory Children's Book Project post. You will paste the link to your Google Doc PPT into the body of your Comment, but you will disguise the long ugly URL as some nice tidy little text, in this case the title of your children's book. Do it like this: In the body of your comment, type the following: <a href="YOURGOOGLEDOCSURL">TEXT YOU WANT TO APPEAR</a>
Hit 'Post Comment'. Then test it out! Check in with Ms. Jones if you get stuck.