Wednesday, February 9, 2011


by Dave Eggers


  1. So far what has surprised me the most about Zeitoun is how reluctant he was to leave the city even after the warning. I know the book might clames that false storms were a constant warning but from what I know all afficails made it clear this was different. I think it has more to do with not wanting to believe something bad is happening. When it is not talking about the storm the book is talking about how good a life Zietoun has. In this kind of atmostphere it is hard to imagine anything bad form happening. I saw the same thing in another book name Thier Eyes Were Watching god. In this one a bunch of people who were in Florida wouldn't flee the harricane. They said it was because "their couldn't be a storm when you were making eight to ten dollars picking beans". It is a in direct way of saying that when things are going good for you you are so desperate for them not to change that you go into dineil.

  2. In the book Zietoun has help point out a very sutble but iportant bais in the media. If a minoity of any type black, latino, muslim committs a crime, the first peace of infurmation on the paper isn't the crime the committed but the race. It might seem small but what it dose is exagerates the fact that the person committing the crime is a minoirt and starts to make people essociate the crime with minoirties. Seeing this makes me think about other subtle hint of societs pregidouses that are hidden in the media. Like that offen when you see a black charecter on T.V. ,weather he is a lawer or a gang banger, he almost always comes from a bad background. This in some ways might seem good because it shows a african-american being smart enough and strong enough to escape poverty but it also makes people start to assume to be black is to be poor and troubled. But one of the most demaging media baises is taht these days all terroist on T.V. tend to be Islamic. Though more and more T.V. shows are working to make sure that you don't consider all muslims terorist, in some cases even stressing that they aren't part of the main streem beliefs they still use them. Why only muslims, why not radical right or left, why not christain fanatics, or best of all why not white supremisis. Because the aren't as famous. Because when people think of terroist they think of Islamic radicals. ANd the media only increases the stereotypes.
